
The lessons I've learned or should have learned from experiences I've had or could have had at times in my life or would have life.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Bouts with Dislexia

First of all f@*#!! you if u actually know how to spell the word "according to Oxford." Who the hell is Kim? or Oxford? I never met the guy and good for him if he's the world's best speller. I have accepted my dyslexia and so should everyone else who has been ridiculed for reading like a drunk man of east indian decent wining to chutney soca.
Today I was sitting at the computer desk typing a letter for about two hours when my older brother walked in and said "You still there?... and daeez all you write? ...not even ten lines?" and proceeded to direct me to just write what I can and said that he will "fix it up" for me. I know that what he really wanted was to use the PC so I offered him a turn which he gladly accepted. I saved my document and walked away. Unscarred yes but pissed, not so much at his passive bullying but at his oxymoronic suggestion. Help me fix my letter?!? Actually it's more funny when u think about it. I is a man come to Trinidad on the Dyslexic soca boat, I can't lie, but he's a man that captain ship an ting. Case in point See what I'm saying.
To my dislexic bretheren out there I say read and read alot. Read both hard and easy books; a chapter a day is better than none at all and in time you'll be better off for it. And going easy is fun. Green Eggs and Ham never killed anyone nor has a little dislexia. In fact I have some very close and very successful friends who are dislexic.

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