
The lessons I've learned or should have learned from experiences I've had or could have had at times in my life or would have life.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Laff At You

I'm so proud of our entire Trinidad and Tobago society. They're so very conscious and kind hearted. At least 90% of our population, including our Prime Minister (I wanna big up meh dorg Patrick), are sporting these ‘livestrong’/breast cancer/colourful rubber/ plastic bands in support of life and wellness for our Universe. Contributing to such a good cause while maintaining one’s keen sense of style is a major fashion statement; it screams “I’m a mindless zombie who can’t resist being part of every fad in our/American popular culture.”

Not only do I applaud our unselfish and trendy taste but it’s even more commendable the commitment with which this drive is sustained. In the US it was just a passing trend where people apparently didn’t care very much or possibly just didn’t get it. Just a selected number ever bought these and they only remained popular for a few odd months. Trinidadians though as usual when it comes to something so serious went the full 900 000 yards. I am sure that as many bands were purchased by our citizens because not only does 9/10 of the population have one but 2/3 of those have two and 1/2 of those have enough to colour coordinate with all of their party outfits. These bands can STILL bee seen on many a wrist about the country. I saw my friend with a glow-in-the-dark green one just Sunday (I am still fascinated by glow in the dark plastic though, how doooo they do that).

I am so moved by our commitment that I’d just like to let everyone know that there’s a new type of band coming next week; the LAY bands. They are a symbol of our dedication to Lead All Youth. You know, away from the sex, crime and drugs toward a better way of conscious-band-wearing-cause-supporting life. I got my very own pair of red and white already and as soon as they officially hit the market next week I’ll be going for the black. TnT!! And just in case you think this is some lame local thing I assure you it’s not. The guy who started it is from America. He lived and went to school there for so long he’s practically a citizen. So look out for them when they come they are fresh and new and soon everyone will have them so move quick before you end up being one of the three people in your area without one. Just so you don’t miss them, they look just like ordinary rubber bands (yea the ones you buy by hundreds in the card board box) but they’re NOT. They come in small clear packages just like the ‘livestrongs’ just they thinner cheaper and the pack says LAY. You get five in a pack so just in case one bursts you have four more. Heck if all burst just buy another pack. Remember they are for a good cause and everybody will have one.

Happy band wearing L. A. Y.!!!


Blogger HS said...

lmao. hilaaaaaarious.

"L.A.Y.", LMAO.

wow. gj babe.

7:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

u relllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll retarded. p.s. i want a box of rubber bands. I'll put on all, and ill be real cool. no, not the lame yellow ones,the MULTICOLOURED pack. all on my legs, neck and arms, elbow,eye... EVERYWHERE. i might die a few days later with lack of blood circulation, but at least i'll be lookin cool!...:| teehee

7:49 AM  
Blogger HS said...

neck, elbow, eye...lmao

8:13 AM  

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