
The lessons I've learned or should have learned from experiences I've had or could have had at times in my life or would have life.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Tall boy solo tall boy tall boy tall boy solo tall boy

Dear Mr. SMJaleel,

Sorry. Your cola champagne was always rubbish solo own is the one i was thinking of. As a matter of fact most of your flavours kinda nasty. Solo is the cut. Peace!

P.S. you are also a bad speller cuz Cola starts with a C and not a K and if you selling koala champagne that just stink.

Wine on a bomcie wine on a bomcie that is the ting wine on a bomcie wine on a bomcie that is the ting...

Dear Mr. SMJaleel,

This morning I had a Kola champagne chubby which was not cola champagne at all. It was Big red or something very smilar. What the hell is that?? This is the second time this happened and i am very upset. How do you expect the next generation to grow up on this garbage. The EMA clearly stated in their investigation into 'How to Really Spell Aluminium' that "a significant source of joocy goodness is found in the unique flavouring of our local beverages." Our young ones are growing up on Big Red instead of actual Cola Champagne. The saddest part though is that our really young children probably never actually tasted Cola Champagne at all. Who knows how long this has been going on? You do. If this is not addressed we may soon be drinking homogenized colas and highly cafinated beverages in the name of soda. Give us sweedrink Mr. Jalleel give us sweedrink.

Can a blackbird be a kisskidee by eating kisskidee food? No! Blackbirds thrive by being blackbirds by living like blackbirds by feeding their young what is best for them. Cola Champagne and Big red (or watever they are putting in the bottles now) are like cheeze and chalk. All rastas put up yuh hand, all ball heads put up yuh hand, if you a rasta put up yuh han, if you a ball head put up yuh han. Let us ensure that our jooce that is artificial and unhealthy is so in the most naturally enjoyable way. Join with me in pursuit of all the flavours past present and future that can authentically be called sweedrink. It is an investment that will better our today and will fuel with joocie goodness our flaours of tomorrow. Big red just doesn't cut it. I beleive it was you who said,"Chubby Chubby Chubby Chubby, Chubby Chubby Chubby Chubby, Chubby Chubby Chubby Chubby....Chubbyyyy sqqqhuaaaaahhhhhh!!"

...noting wrong with winin on a indian winin on a indian winin on a indian gyal.

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