Trinis Meddle

The Picture: 1st sample of ideas from 'The Committee'. They call it the Trini-T X.
The Concept: It's a fresh and new design that will score points with our younger generation-X but still keeps the name so 'Dem "Elderly" people' will know we not doing away with we traditions. It eliminates all ambiguity- this is not the Christian Trinity but the Trini-T the secular democracy.
The response: so far responses have been favourable but it seems as though my friend Patrick has been having a few problems. He thinks that there is something 'still kinda religous-ee' about the whole design.
The proposition: Instead of the hills in the middle put trinity, the woman. Apparently he thinks that this will kill the religion issue for good and will add to the tally of points scored with the next generationers.
The conclusion: All in all it might slide but only with the trinity addition and most likely only if she is in the 'flying pose' as 'dat go juss make it badder.'
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