
The lessons I've learned or should have learned from experiences I've had or could have had at times in my life or would have life.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Fleeting Enlightenment

You ever had one of those "Eewww is that mee? How repulsive!!" moments when you feel like vomiting all over the place cuz u see somebody acting like yourself and it's just, gag, appauling. Every time I hear the 'f' word I feel like i need to scrub my soul cuz it makes me profoundly aware of how utterly nasty I sound to everyone else. Today I was with one of my close friends and he was spewing them all over the place; on other people, on himself in my car. Every time I bore witness I hurled in disgust. Sickened by how totally awful it sounded and at the wonderful job he did at ensuring that every inch of the fk bled of pure obscenity, but mostly just by knowing that in any way that reflected my behaviour.

Randomly at the office last week I was biting my nails when suddenly I noticed myself. It was strange because it didn't take me seeing someone else doing it to notice myself. For the first time, after hearing the 'that's so nasty' tune for years, I was genuinely capable of appreciating its message; so juvenile, so nasty. I swear to you I was sick to my stomach.I immediately committed to disposing of all of my filthy habits. While contemplating the solidarity of my decision I managed to nervously chew all the nails off my other hand..."oh f***"


Blogger HS said...

"scrub my soul"

potty mouth.


1:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see you are now a proper "bicusspid". Unfortunately simply scrubbing your soul will no longer do, for you have LONG SURPASSED the simple 'scrubbing-to-remove-filth' stage. You must drink acid so that the filth inside may be DISSOLVED clean.If some vital organs 'dissolve' too, it's ok, it just means ure "extra kleen". For added 'kleansing',you may soak SOUL in bleach. Leave to sit for a week, for utmost purification.

If this does not work, U going to hell, so u may as well Wine ur way to hell, and kurse and bite ur nails along the way.

12:31 PM  
Blogger dregus said...

u are still crazy keisha!

9:23 AM  

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